Just finished the first day of school and i am really excited about this year. I have decided on my goal : to have my student be so engaged and interested in what we are doing in class that they do not even realize they are learning!  As I get more and more comfortable applying the potential of  Discovery Education (DE) in my everyday lessons, I know that this is the future direction of student learning in primary and secondary schools. The days of teaching by lecturing, reading and extracting notes out of books, doing endless worksheets, and assessing by memorizing "facts" are a thing of the past. Students should be able to understand complex concepts and think through the answer by applying what they have learned.

I do ask a favor of parents, I can only do so much in a school setting, I need your support in being an active participant in your child's education. With DE you can see exactly what your child is learning, the work they are doing and have finished, and the results of their quizzes and tests. There are many ways that you can assist by using DE. Please visit on the links that I have posted for more info. If you have any questions please e-mail me or comment in this blog and I will respond.